• A course in ICT and ethics typically covers the following topics:

    • Introduction to ICT: This includes an overview of the different components of ICT, such as hardware, software, networks, and the internet.
    • ICT applications: This covers the different ways that ICT is used in different industries and sectors, such as business, education, healthcare, and government.
    • ICT ethics: This covers the ethical considerations that should be taken into account when developing, implementing, and using ICT.

    Some specific topics that might be covered in an ICT and ethics course include:

    • Privacy and security
    • Intellectual property
    • Digital citizenship
    • Social and environmental impacts of ICT
    • Ethical use of data and algorithms

    The course may also include practical components, such as learning how to use specific ICT tools and software.

    By the end of the course, students should be able to:

    • Understand the different components of ICT and how they are used
    • Apply ICT in different contexts
    • Make informed ethical decisions about the use of ICT

    ICT and ethics is an important subject for everyone to learn about, as ICT is becoming increasingly integrated into all aspects of our lives. By understanding the ethical implications of ICT, we can help to ensure that it is used for good.

Available courses

welcome to this course introduction to ict & ethics which provides some basis in ict and ethics.

mode of assessment

CAT1 - 30 MKS

CAT 2- 70 MKS

E.O.T - 100 MKS